Tai Lopez 67 steps review 2022

This is my Tai Lopez 67 steps review 2022.


First I want to tell you this was the first program I bought after I graduated with an MBA.


I was looking to learn life topics, so I started to follow Tai Lopez’s Youtube Channel.


Tai Lopez 67 steps review


The mini MBA blue Belt is not included in the 67 steps mentor program.


Tai Lopez 67 steps review | Why is important to have a mentor?


A mentor can accelerate your learning curve in life.


Let’s say you want to learn about wealth so you look for a wealth mentor.


If you find it, you can learn through his experiences and you’ll have fewer mistakes.


Some people achieve things in life through trial and error but it’s going to take more time.


What are the Tai Lopez 67 steps?


The 67 steps is a program in which Tai Lopez explains his learnings from his mentors.


There are 67 lessons to watch every single day.


After you watch a lesson you need to answer a question to unlock the next one.


One of the things I like about the 67 steps is the knowledge you can get from this program at a very reasonable price.


Is it legit the Tai Lopez 67 steps program?


This is a legit program in fact I bought the program in 2015.


You know at that time I didn’t know that I can buy online programs.


But after I graduated with my MBA I realized that it didn’t help me to earn more money in my job.


So I start looking for online programs and courses to learn how to improve my life in general.


I bought this program after I watched a Ted Talk about Tai Lopez.


Are the Tai Lopez 67 steps really worth it?


I remember when I watched the first lesson of the 67 steps.


It was so cool to learn about the deserving factor and how to increase my awareness.


My experience with these lessons was great because I was working for a company in 2015.


Basically, I downloaded all the lessons and I just listened to them when I was going to work.


Furthermore, talking from my experience I learned a lot from the 67 steps.


How do the 67 steps work?


You need to watch one video per day for 67 days.


Although I focus on some videos for a week to learn all the strategies of that particular step.


One of the reasons the 67 steps mentor change my life is because It changed my point of view on life.


Furthermore, having the approach to learn and develop any habit I need to achieve my goals was a huge insight for me.


Tai Lopez 67 steps review | What the 67 steps are all about?


I remember when I accessed the 67 steps I pay for a VIP program in which Tai Lopez gave us 2 live calls per month.


Back then we needed to read some books that he previously told us about.


The action of constant learning was great because I always love to learn new things.


I think this 67 step was the first course that Tai made for other people.


Tai Lopez 67 steps review | Are the 67 steps real or fake?


This is a real program in which everybody who has the will to learn and improve his life about health, wealth, love, and happiness can do that.


I have bought many programs from Tai for many years and I can say that he always over-delivers information. One of the latest courses is the E-commerce Academy.


In addition, the 67 steps mentor program has insights about many things we need to know if we want to have a good life.


For me was a game changer.


What is the price of the 67 steps?


You can join the program for 5 dollars per month.


If you access the program these are the lessons included:


  • Daily Lessons from Tai Lopez about making Money, Starting a Business, Sales and Marketing, Networking, and more
  • Mentor Archive every Lesson will be Easily Accessible in the Members Area
  • Sales Marketing and Persuasion Bonus
  • Premium Book Summaries
  • 6 Steps to Smart Reading
  • The Investment Secrets of the Ultra Wealthy


Why Do I like the 67 steps program?


Basically, the 67 steps have knowledge about health, wealth, love, and happiness in one place.


Furthermore, Tai Lopez is a successful businessman and investor, so I can learn great things from him and I know that knowledge will help me in my life. 


In addition, I like to learn from people who are successful in life, and Tai Lopez has demonstrated his success in life. 


Tai Lopez 67 steps review | PROS


  1. It has proven strategies to live the good life. 
  2. We know 67 steps works because Tai Lopez is a successful investor and entrepreneur. 
  3. It has excellent insights about health, wealth, love, and happiness.
  4. You can download the steps and hear them wherever you want. 
  5. It has a tremendous value for the price.


How did the Tai Lopez 67 steps help me?


I remember after I graduated with my MBA in which I wasn’t in a good spot in my life. 


So I was working for a chemical company and I studied for an MBA to make more money which didn’t help me.  


Furthermore, I saw a Tai Lopez video on a TED talk. 


I was afraid to buy my first-course online course but I did it. 


In fact, It was so cool that I could learn many things from the Tai Lopez platform.  


After I studied the 67 steps, I had one of the top salaries in my job. 


What are the premium book summaries?


These are 14 lessons about information that Tai Lopez learned from books and mentors. 


Tai Lopez is a successful entrepreneur so the lessons of this section are pure gold. 


One of the things people don’t do is apply everything they’re learning from any education platform. 


Sometimes we need only one mindset change to improve our life. 


How to improve our lives with the 67 steps of Tai Lopez?


The first thing is to apply the set of skills of the 67 steps in our lives. 


To illustrate, the first step teaches us how to be aware of everything that happens around us. 


How much time are you spending on training your body?


How much sugar are you eating per day?


Are you aware of how much time are you reading every day?


That skill is powerful if we apply it.




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