Grant Cardone University Review: Is it worth?

In this Grant Cardone University Review, I’ll break down the program with a sales perspective because this course was designed to become anyone into a sales expert.


You know Grant Cardone said: “Success is your duty, your obligation, and responsibility”


I’ll go deep so you can make the right decision for yourself.



Who is Grant Cardone?


Grant Cardone is the Founder and CEO of Cardone Enterprises. Also, he is the bestselling author of The 10X Rule, If you are not first you’re the last and Sell or be sold.


Additionally, he’s a sales trainer, entrepreneur, and speaker who has worked in the auto and real estate industry. In addition, he has built a 2.0 billion dollar portfolio of multifamily from scratch.


Furthermore, he’s the founder of The 10X movement and The 10X Growth Conference.


Cardone University Review: Course Topics.


These are the topics of Cardone University. 


  • Selling basics
  • How to Guarantee Massive success in sales
  • The Secret Psychology to Doing Billion Dollar deals
  • The Perfect Sales Process.


Other topics I have access to in order to have deep learning about the sales process. 


  • 10X Mentoring Offer 4 Alumni
  • Marketing Mastery.
  • How to go get started in Real State
  • Emergency COVID19 Business Response
  • How to manage a remote business
  • Manage a remote sales team
  • Economic Crisis Plan
  • Recession Response Training
  • How to get your dream job in 72 Hrs
  • Live training
  • Understanding Buyer Psychology.
  • Sales Fundamentals
  • Mastering the Close
  • Advanced Closing & Negotiating Strategies
  • And much more…


How much does Grant Cardone University Cost?


The cost is USD 124.75 per month.


Grant Cardone University Review Training


Grant Cardone University Module Lessons


Grant Cardone University review salesfundamentals

Selling a way of life


You’ll learn why selling is a prerequisite for life, commissions, volumes, and profits, and why sales peoples drive entires economies.

Professional or Amateur


To become a professional you need to train. Remember Kobe Bryant to be the greatest Basketball player of all time, he had to train like a machine.


  • The differences between professionals sellers vs amateurs
  • Great shortage
  • Commitment
  • Greener pastures
  • Power of prediction
  • The only reason why you don’t like selling.


The most important sale


For me, the most important sale is to believe in me. Do you believe in you, my friend?


To start this path you need a framework so you can succeed.


  • The most important sale which is selling yourself
  • Conviction is the make/breakpoint
  • The ninety-day phenomenon
  • Put your money where your mouth is.




Everybody has 24 hours per day, the difference for successful people is what they do with their time.


  • Controlling time is one of the most important skills of a productive professional.
  • You’ll learn about how much time do you have
  • Use every moment to sell
  • The lunch opportunity
  • Lunch out equals sales up.


Massive action


You’ll learn the exact formula to attain your targets and know how much action is necessary.

  • Taking massive action
  • The four degrees of action
  • Massive action equals new problems
  • Production yield happiness
  • The 10X rule
  • Work your power base
  • How to build your power base
  • And much more…


When you finish all these lessons you can claim your certification of completion.


Grant Cardone University Review Understanding Buyer Psychology


The Magic of Agreement


You’ll master the skill of agreement and take the fight out of the deal.

  • The first rule of selling
  • The agreement challenge
  • Agreement drill
  • Trust is critical to the sale
  • Customers don’t make the sale
  • Salespeople do
  • Credibility equals sales
  • People believe what they see not what they hear
  • Use third-party data to validate
  • Tips on using the information to build trust




Your attitude will help you 100% in every aspect of your life if you maintain it positive. Attitude alone can take you to the next level. If you learn how to stay positive, how to control your attitude, you’ll change other people’s attitudes.


  • A great attitude is worth more than a great product
  • Treat them like millionaires
  • Daily attitude
  • A product of your environment
  • Tips to have a great attitude.


Give, Give, Give


You’ll learn how to use the attitude of service to increase your control of the customer.


  • The magic of giving, give, give
  • Love the one you’re with
  • Level of service
  • Make service senior to selling
  • The hard sell
  • Closing is like a recipe.


The Price Myth


The price is not your problem and how to handle price in any customer situation.


  • It’s rarely price
  • Love, solve problems, and confidence
  • More on price,
  • Handling “other” concerns handle prices
  • Justifying price with other inventory
  • Salespeople stop sales customers don’t.


Your Buyer’s money


This course teaches exactly how to handle the issue of money with certainty and confidence in a deal.


  • No shortage of money
  • Second sale
  • The people business and not the “X” business
  • The most interesting person in the world.


Grant Cardone University Review The Perfect Sales System


The Perfect Sales Process


Some of the lessons you’ll learn, what is the road to the sale, mistakes to avoid, and commit to steps.


Foundations of a Flawless Sales Process.


  • Your mental disposition
  • Service is senior
  • Verbally deliver a great attitude
  • How to stay positive
  • Tricks to staying positive
  • And much more…


How to build the perfect Greeting


  • Purpose of greeting
  • Your introduction
  • Putting the buyer at ease
  • Handling the RDR
  • Common Ground
  • Using information
  • Information gets you information
  • Dress and Posture
  • Tips on Greeting
  • Biggest mistakes in the Greeting
  • Great Greetings.


How to Handle Problems in the Greeting


  • The difference between want and ask
  • Initiate objections in the greeting
  • Handling price in the greeting
  • Mistakes made in handling price
  • Just looking
  • Want to speak to your manager
  • Time objections
  • Concerning financing
  • Credit concerns
  • What will the payments be on?


Learn how to sell any customer


You know there are different types of customers.

  • The importance of fact-finding
  • 21st Century Fact-Finding Best Practices
  • What-Why-How
  • Wrong product
  • Clues from the Last Purchase
  • Questions not to ask
  • The new situation.


The Perfect Sales Presentation


When it comes to that day in which you are going to present your proposal you need a good foundation.

  • The basics of a presentation
  • The selection
  • Verify selection with alternatives
  • More on alternatives
  • Demonstration Basics
  • Feature advantage benefit
  • Product Knowledge-Mistakes
  • The Why, Why’s, and apes
  • Controlled Presentations
  • Present First
  • The Rules
  • Assumptive
  • Demonstration.


How to tell if your buyer is ready to say “yes”


“Never Lower your Target. Increase your actions” by Grant Cardone.


  • What’s a trial close
  • Trial Closes You Can Use
  • Gaining Mental Ownership
  • Objections To Trial Closes
  • Not Just The Product
  • Make Them Feel Like Family.


Presenting your offer


“Everyone experiences fear, but it’s how you respond to it that makes the difference in your life” by Grant Cardone


You’ll learn The Introduction, Excuses, Increase Write-Ups, Mistakes, and Assumptions.


Grant Cardone University Review 64 Traits of great entrepreneurs


“Your Greatness is limited only by the investments you make in yourself” by Grant Cardone.


Successful people had certain qualities in common. Furthermore, the most highly accomplished have a common way of operating in life and business.


These are some of the lessons.


  • Great Salespeople Quit Thinking About Sale, and Start Thinking About a Business.
  • Great Salespeople treat each customer with a high level of customer service.
  • Great Salespeople take the time to Understand a Customer’s Needs.
  • Great Salespeople over Promise and Deliver.
  • Great Salespeople Invest in Activities that Will Grow their Business.
  • And much more…


Grant Cardone University Review Mastering the close


The Theory of closing


“Luck is just one of the byproducts of those who take the most action” by Grant Cardone.


  • The purpose of the program
  • The Cost of Not Closing
  • The End Game is the Close
  • The Importance of The Close
  • The Winner’s Exchange
  • The Goal of the Close
  • Know or no
  • Two Ways to Learn
  • Closing is a Service
  • Relationship and the Close
  • The 20/80 Rule.


The 10 Reasons Closers Fail


“Let the rest do whatever, while you do whatever it takes” by Grant Cardone.


  • Never Attempted To Close
  • Pressure is Perceived as a Bad Thing
  • Unwillingness to Deal With Emotions
  • A Lack of Belief in the Product
  • An Incorrect Estimations of Effort
  • Being “Reasonable”
  • No Financial Plan in place
  • Handling Objections That Are Only Complaints
  • Shortage of Closing Material
  • Incorrect Barrier
  • The 10 Barriers to Getting a Deal Close.


The Rules Of Closing


“Never quit and you are guaranteed to find your greatness” by Grant Cardone.


This is an exact breakdown of the strategies and tactics used by today’s top closers.


  • The Rules
  • Always Present your Proposal in Writing
  • Always Clearly Communicate Your Proposal
  • Always Make Eye Contact
  • Always have a Pen Available
  • Know-How to Use Humor
  • Always Ask One More Time
  • And much more…


Advanced Rules Flor Closing


“Average is a failing formula” by Grant Cardone.


The advanced rules are strategies and practices for top dollars profits.


  • Some of the lessons you’ll learn are Treat the Prospect like a Buyer
  • Always know You Can Come to an Agreement
  • Always maintain a Positive Demeanor
  • Always Smile no matter the Outcome
  • Always Treat a Buyer Like they can
  • Always Acknowledge the Buyer
  • And much more…


Grant Cardone University Review advanced closing & negotiating strategies

Don’t just make money, make a difference” by Grant Cardone.


The Closing strategy is a vault of rich content about how to close the prospect.


These are some of the lessons you’ll learn in the sub-module.


  • The Payment Close
  • Payments to figure close
  • Rate close
  • Agreement Close
  • Congratulations Close
  • Won’t be the last time Close
  • Be Grateful Close
  • Do It Anyway Close
  • Disease Close
  • And much more…


Grant Cardone University Review Mastering the Cold call

Your problem isn’t your problem, your reaction to the problem is your problem” by Grant Cardone.


Cold Calling basics


The most successful organizations use cold calls to grow their business. In this sub-module, you’ll learn more about the cold calling process.


  • The Cold Call
  • Facts about the Telephone
  • Why do you hate cold calls
  • What industries and People Should make Cold Calls
  • Why the cold call is so important


Types of Call


In this sub-module, you’ll learn the different types of cold calls.


  • Outbound Cold Call
  • Outbound Lead Response
  • Outbound Referral Call
  • Outbound Follow up call


Preparing for the Cold Call


This course has the steps to ensure that you are fully prepared so you can succeed in this process.


  • Define a contact
  • Do the math
  • Build a list
  • Call preparation that will guarantee Your Success
  • And much more…


Getting Past the Gatekeeper


You’ll learn the tools that will ensure you can penetrate any walls.


  • What is the gatekeeper?
  • Act the part
  • Kill the small talk until you need it
  • The Power of Greeting for the Gatekeeper


The Cold Call Process


These lessons have the necessary information for you to conduct the perfect cold call.


  • Purpose of the Cold call
  • The Greeting
  • The BIG claim
  • Qualify/Fact-finding
  • Close
  • And much more…


Daily Success Rituals for Inside Sales


To be successful in your cold call process you need the best daily rituals.


  • Get up early
  • Workout
  • Get Focused – Eye on the prize
  • Know you call calculations
  • Start your Day with Training and Roleplay
  • Clean your Space
  • Make your list of 5
  • Find your music


Cold Call objections


This lesson has the information and strategies on how to handle the most common cold call objections.


  • Not interested
  • I am Busy / Don’t have time
  • Send me some information
  • Not the decision-maker
  • No Budget
  • Let me try it
  • Need to talk to Director
  • Price Objection
  • Didn’t use the last one we bought
  • Already Working with another company.
  • And much more…


Advanced Cold Call Tips


To be fully an expert on the cold cal process you must learn the more advanced tips that you can utilize on every call.


  • The Most Important Cold Call Stat
  • Best time to Call
  • Magic Questions that Advance the process
  • The Power of Text
  • Tips for leaving Messages
  • The Key to Cold Calling Success
  • Identifying the Influencers
  • Bring in Back up for the Discovery
  • And Much more…


Grant Cardone Review Professional Prospecting Strategies


“As long as you are alive, you will either live to accomplish your own goals and dreams or be used as a resource to accomplish someone else’s” by Grant Cardone.


Prospecting Basics


Understanding and learning the Basics of prospecting is vital to your success.


  • The Purpose of prospecting
  • What is it
  • Why is prospecting important?
  • How to Fill up Your Pipeline So that You Are Affluent With Prospects
  • How Prospecting is different than selling


Prospecting Tips


These essential tips will help you to the most out of your prospecting activities.


  • Attitude
  • Activity level
  • Expectations
  • Commit to Daily Prospecting
  • Time Management
  • Creative Variety


Creating Lists For Prospects


This is vital for you to have resources for prospects.


  • Introduction
  • Powerbase
  • Sold Customers
  • Service Type Calls
  • The Unsold
  • Who do you spend money with?
  • A business using your products
  • Competitions Customers
  • Orphan Owners
  • Lost or unsold customers of the Company


Warm Calls


Use your time wisely, maybe you have already warm customers that will take you less time to close.


  • Your Powerbase
  • The Power Base Call
  • Service Customers
  • Calling the Service Customer
  • Reactivating Sold Customers
  • The Call To Sold Customers
  • Converting the Unsold
  • The Call to the Unsold
  • People you do business with


When you finish all the lessons you’ll get a certification of completion.


Grant Cardone Review Advanced Follow up strategies


“You will not have a successful life surrounded by negative people” by Grant Cardone.


The Facts Of Follow up


“The easiest customer to sell to is one that you have already sold to”


  • The Importance of Follow up
  • Follow Up Definition
  • B2B Not Sales ready
  • Why Leads do not convert
  • The Importance of Nurturing leads
  • Lift your Lead Generation
  • Get a 500% increase in Lead Generation
  • Be the first to Follow up
  • The Always Rule
  • Don’t be that guy
  • How to get your share of this Trillion Dollar Industry
  • Be in the top 1% of Earners in the world
  • Convert 40% more leads than Anyone else
  • The Most Powerful Follow up Tool


Follow up Basics


Learning the basics of Follow up will give you the edge to close more prospects.


  • Commitment
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Organization
  • Scripts
  • Accountability
  • Unreasonable attitude


Mistakes with Follow up


If you avoid the mistakes in the follow-up process, you’ll have a competitive advantage to make more sales.


  • Never made the call
  • Not enough calls
  • Not collecting critical data for future sales
  • Calls not regularly
  • Wait too long to follow up
  • Lack of variety in reasons to call
  • No clear purpose in the call
  • Not leaving a message
  • Calls not regularly
  • Not Asking for Referrals


Follow-up Unsold customers


The rule is simple, never give up with the unsold customers.


  • Using the facts of unsold customers
  • Follow the opportunity
  • Why don’t people buy
  • The Five Types of Buyers
  • Revelations of Follow up


How to use follow-up Tools


This segment will give you the exact strategies you need to achieve the follow-up process.


  • Phone call
  • Text
  • Email
  • Handwritten letter
  • Personal visit
  • Using Gimmicks
  • Apology contact
  • Selfie video messages
  • Social media reach
  • Use photo images
  • Newsletter and blogs
  • Testimonial
  • Survey


Ways to Follow-up


Using this follow-up method will increase your credibility and ensure you’ll have success in the sales process.


  • Texting
  • Email
  • Calling
  • Visiting
  • Mail
  • Gifts
  • Friends
  • Retargeting


Types of Call for Owner Follow-up for the Sold Customer


These strategies and tips will give you the information so you can follow up correctly for the sold customer.


  • Same Day Call
  • 3 Day Contact or Call
  • 7-day contact
  • 14-day contact
  • 1-month contract
  • 3-month call
  • 6 Month -Value your opinion call
  • 12 Month
  • 15 Month
  • 18 Months
  • 24 Month Call


Contact Follow-up Over 365 days


Never give up on the follow-up process that will ensure your success.


  • Same day contact
  • Day 1 Contact to 365 days. 


Advanced Strategies


If you can master the follow-up process you’ll achieve greatness in the sales process.


  • Texting During Engagement
  • Immediate Texting
  • Management Call
  • Invites
  • Regular Newsletter
  • Social Media as Follow UP
  • I saw this and thought of you
  • Giant Cookie
  • Telegram
  • Personalized singing email
  • Customized candies
  • Lottery ticket
  • A personal visit with a gift bag
  • Purchase a prepaid cell phone
  • If I don’t hear back, I will ship the product
  • Chocolate Feet
  • Call the Wrong Extension
  • Add this phrase
  • Show them in a magazine
  • The Five “no” strategy
  • Five no Calls and Flip
  • Word of caution on Follow-up


Reasons why people do not buy from you


If you can understand the buyer you can create new ways to approach the follow-up process creatively.


  • Lack of time
  • Personal Issue
  • Concern about cost
  • Cash Flow
  • Budget constraints
  • More Pressing Problems
  • Able to carry on without
  • Change of the guard
  • Instability within
  • Poor previous decisions
  • Lack of Branding
  • Reputation
  • Uncertainty
  • Buy-sell agreement
  • Not Decision Maker
  • Lost a Deal to competition
  • They Don’t like you


If you can complete all the lessons, you will have a certification of completion for this module.


Grant Cardone University Review Incoming Call Mastery

“Almost every problem people face in their careers and other aspects of their lives – such as failed diets, marriages, and financial problems – are the result of not taking enough action” by Grant Cardone. 


Phone Mastery


In this module, Grant Cardone will show you everything about the phone and how it can make you more money.  


  • Introduction
  • Telephone’s importance
  • Types of Calls
  • My Rules of the Phone
  • What makes a Good Phone Person?
  • Myths about the Phone


Controlling the call


Control is everything in the sales process, so in the order you become successful you need the exact strategies for controlling the call. 


  • Introduction
  • Buyer’s Goal
  • Sales Person’s Goal
  • Your responsibilities
  • Types of calls
  • Things to avoid
  • Quick review on incoming calls


Setting the appointment


This module is a breakdown of every part of a call, so you can convert and handle the customer. 


  • Parts of the call
  • The Greeting
  • Fact-Finding
  • Number and name
  • Controlling the call
  • Appointments
  • Appointments stall
  • Stall killer
  • Ending calls


You can claim your certification of completion when you finished all the lessons. 


My results with Grant Cardone University


You know for me Grant Cardone University was a game-changer because I was working on sales.


I was selling chemicals for the Central America and Caribbean Region.


When I started with the program I was selling USD 200,000 per year and the sales training helped me increase to USD 400,000.


I remember some of the lessons from Grant when I was in my sales presentation that help me to know how I need to react to my customers.


Additionally, if you want training about how to sell high-ticket products using your laptop click here


How to create wealth by selling high-ticket products from home?


One of the things that school didn’t teach is how to sell anything. 


For me, selling is so important because you can make a lot of money if you know the right strategies. 


Therefore, if you want to use the internet to sell high-ticket products it’s a good place to start because you can use your time for something that is going to give you a high return. 


I have been earning money with a high-ticket product using social media.


In addition, this is a proven system that works if you are willing to put in the work. 


Freedom Breakthrough 2.0 FREE ebook


A little history when I used Grant Cardone University in my sales job


I was in the Dominican Republic trying to close a business negotiation. 


Also, it was a chemical for water treatment. 


Additionally, I have a partner and we went to present the proposal to the CEO of the mine because we want to run a trial test. This mine business is very profitable 50% margin and 110,000 USD recurring per year. 


So we have the meeting and the CEO told us: “It’s too expensive to buy it”


Right away I knew he has interested. 


In addition, we make a contra proposal with a discount for the trial test so he can allow us to take data in his process. 


Therefore, It took a while but we got the test. 


Long story short, the test result was excellent.


In conclusion, Grant Cardone University gave me the tools to prospect, present, and run the trial test in order to close the deal. 



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